First ensure they do need access to the website and that it is safe.

  1. Confirm the IP address of the website by browsing to it, you should get the SonicWall block.

  2. If you do not get the Sonicwall block page and get something like below, then remove the "s" from HTTPS to force the error.

  3. Login to the SonicWall. Then click "Object" and then "Addresses".

  4. Click on "Add".

  5. Give it a proper name so we can identity it easily such as "GEO Exception -". Ensure Zone Assignment is "LAN" and Type is "Host". Then enter the IP Address of the website. Then click "Add".

  6. Click on "Address Groups" which is next to "Address Objects".

  7. In the search box, search for "geo". It should bring up the group called "Default Geo-IP and Botnet Exclusion Group".

  8. Click on the edit icon.

  9. Now you can find the "Address Object" you made earlier in the left field and then move it to the right. Then click "Save" to save. Now you should be able to browse to that website.

  10. When it is no longer needed then move the entry back in to the left field and then delete the "Address Object".