Infor Q&A XRL


Program install files are located in \\\it tools\XRL CD\XRL - Latest version 08-04-2021

Once opened run setup.exe as a domain administrator and click next through the install until you are asked to locate the database. Select Opera 3 and point to:

\\jcasvr030\O3 Server VFP Static and Dynamic\system\system.dbc

as shown in the screenshot below.

After install is complete look in the start menu and find the Infor folder and select setup. Enter admin credentials and then log in with the default system account (no password) Select Client drop down menu across the top and then client setup. Only tick “Query & Analysis” and “Opera 3 / Opera II” Then point the Query & Analysis data source to

\\jcasvr030\O3 Server vfp Static and Dynamic\XRL\LsDatabase.mdb

also shown in the screenshot below.

Test all connections and if working save and close. If you open excel you should see the Q&A addon and be able to log in successfully.


If you get the below error on Excel: 

Run the EnableVBScript.reg file that is in the Infor folder as the user themselves, may need to give them temporary admin. 

If the Infor tab doesn't appear in Excel:

go to program files>Infor>Query and Analysis and open ExcelAddinRemoveAdd tick Excel and click apply

Just as a heads up, XRL doesn't like the 64 bit version of Excel