Please only follow this for install for someone starting in Accounts who has a dedicated Solar PC to run this on.

Anyone else will need to use the terminal server from JCATS002

Navigate to \\jcasvr030\O3 Server VFP Static and Dynamic\Client Setup\Exe

Run the setup.exe

Click next on the prompts and it should create a folder on the desktop called Pegasus Opera 3.

Contact accounts team to make a login for the user

You will also need to email [email protected] to install a few bespoke bits for Pegasus/XRL

To install the bespoke SPM for Pegasus - As of 09/12/22 this is a new addition to Pegasus

Navigate to \\\it tools\Pegasus SPM Bespoke

Copy both SPM files to the PC where Pegasus is installed - C:\Program Files (x86)\Pegasus\O3 Client VFP\Classes