I will update this fully following the install on Friday but for now here is the download links:
2024 Revit Family
2023 Revit Family
2022 Revit Family
There is a local copy of each in IT Tools \Stabicad Installer\
Network Server is: JCASC001 -
Hosted on JCASVR014
Server is 2022 Server Standard and on Panda.
Client Install - See attachedĀ
Installation of client software:
Extract the install folder then run the StabicadSetup.exe
While this is running you will also need to extract the 3 Families Folders - this can take some time to run.
Follow the defaults and choose:
On this prompt I have left it unticked as they have AutoCAD:
From the drop down on the right choose the server JCASC001\Stabicad2017:
In the next stage it will prompt to login and pop up the Trimble login page - at this point you can reset their login if they dont know it.
You will be prompted to close the browser once you accept the agreement.
Run StabiCad from Programs and you will again be asked to login to their website.
It will prompt to confirm their licence type and then you will need to login here:
Login is qqq
Password abcde
Enter their details on the next prompt:
And accept the next prompt.
Cut and paste the extracted families files to: C:\program files\Trimble\StabiCAD\Families\
It just needs to be the year named folders like this:
Deleted all of the downloaded files to save on space.