We had some issues with the return from the server and they have suggested its due to the server being 2012 R2, so we have now moved this to Sarah's PC (15/10/24) however as Sarah and Zoe were off I was unable to test this.

Keith Silk of Profile installed the Pegasus Scheduler on her PC and set this up, the return is run by a single user which is normally one named MTD (for making tax digital!) however when Keith tried to log on and run it it said the user was not authorised with HMRC, I suspect Sarah is running this - I have dropped Sarah/Zoe a message to check.

 Keith also suggested that a port needed to be opened on Sarahs PC however I pointed out the server URL he was using wasnt right so I dont think this is an issue - I never made any change in Panda for this but if we do run in to odd issues we could try turning off the firewall while it runs and the port number he mentioned was 51920