1. First need to create two folders, one called 'Scripts' and one called 'Temp', both in C:\

2. Save the attached script file called 'Get-MFAStutus.ps1' in the Script folder.

3. Open PowerShell and connect to Office365 by running the command 'Connect-Msolservice'. It will prompt you to sign in. If the module isn't installed, type 'install-module MSonline' and enter. Follow the instructions to install.

4. Type: CD C:\Scripts to point to the correct folder.

5. Then type .\Get-MFAStatus -withoutMFAOnly | Export-CSV c:\temp\userwithoutmfa.csv -noTypeInformation

As shown below

If completed successfully, the exported file called 'userwithoutmfa.csv' will be saved in the Temp folder created in the C drive.